#---  SVG 1.2 RFC rnc RNC schema; Nevil Brownlee, Thu 26 Jan 2016 (NZST)

default namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
namespace ns1 = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"

rfc-color = (  # SVG-1.2-RFC doesn't allow "color color or grey-scale" grayscale
  "black" | "white" | "#000000" | "#FFFFFF" | "#ffffff" | "inherit" )
start = svg
svg =
  element svg {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute width { xsd:string }?,
    attribute height { xsd:string }?,
    attribute preserveAspectRatio {
      xsd:string { pattern = "\s*(none|xMidYMid)\s*(meet)?\s*" }
    attribute viewBox { text }?,
    attribute zoomAndPan { "disable" }?,
    attribute version {
      xsd:string "1.2"
    attribute baseProfile {
      xsd:string "tiny"
    attribute contentScriptType { xsd:string }?,
    attribute snapshotTime { xsd:string "none" | xsd:string }?,
    attribute timelineBegin {
      xsd:string "onLoad" | xsd:string "onStart"
    attribute playbackOrder {
      xsd:string "all" | xsd:string "forwardOnly"
     | svgTitle
     | path
     | rect
     | circle
     | line
     | ellipse
     | polyline
     | polygon
     | solidColor
     | textArea
     | linearGradient
     | radialGradient
     | \text
     | g
     | defs
     | use
     | a)*
desc =
  element desc {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    ((attribute display {
        | "block"
        | "list-item"
        | "run-in"
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        | "marker"
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        | "inline-table"
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        | "table-footer-group"
        | "table-row"
        | "table-column-group"
        | "table-column"
        | "table-cell"
        | "table-caption"
        | "none"
        | "inherit"
      attribute visibility { "visible" | "hidden" | "collapse"
        | "inherit" }?,
      attribute image-rendering {
        "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
      attribute shape-rendering {
        | "optimizeSpeed"
        | "crispEdges"
        | "geometricPrecision"
        | "inherit"
      attribute text-rendering {
        | "optimizeSpeed"
        | "optimizeLegibility"
        | "geometricPrecision"
        | "inherit"
      attribute buffered-rendering {
        "auto" | "dynamic" | "static" | "inherit"
     & (attribute viewport-fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute viewport-fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)),
svgTitle =
  element title {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    ((attribute display {
        | "block"
        | "list-item"
        | "run-in"
        | "compact"
        | "marker"
        | "table"
        | "inline-table"
        | "table-row-group"
        | "table-header-group"
        | "table-footer-group"
        | "table-row"
        | "table-column-group"
        | "table-column"
        | "table-cell"
        | "table-caption"
        | "none"
        | "inherit"
      attribute visibility { "visible" | "hidden"
        | "collapse" | "inherit" }?,
      attribute image-rendering {
        "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
      attribute shape-rendering {
        | "optimizeSpeed"
        | "crispEdges"
        | "geometricPrecision"
        | "inherit"
      attribute text-rendering {
        | "optimizeSpeed"
        | "optimizeLegibility"
        | "geometricPrecision"
        | "inherit"
      attribute buffered-rendering {
        "auto" | "dynamic" | "static" | "inherit"
     & (attribute viewport-fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute viewport-fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)),
path =
  element path {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
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          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
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          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
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          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute d { xsd:string }?,
    attribute pathLength { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle)*
rect =
  element rect {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
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          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
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          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
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          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
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        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
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          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute x { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
    attribute width { xsd:string }?,
    attribute height { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute ry { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle)*
circle =
  element circle {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
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        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
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          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
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          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
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          | "bold"
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          | "inherit"
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          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
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          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cy { xsd:string }?,
    attribute r { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle)*
line =
  element line {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
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          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
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          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
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          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
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          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
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          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute x1 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y1 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute x2 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y2 { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle)*
ellipse =
  element ellipse {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
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          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
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          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
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        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
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          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
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     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
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     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
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     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
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          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
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          | "bold"
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          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
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          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
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    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute ry { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cy { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle)*
polyline =
  element polyline {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
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        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
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          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
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          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
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polygon =
  element polygon {
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    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
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solidColor =
  element solidColor {
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          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
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         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
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textArea =
  element textArea {
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     | desc
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text
     | a_2)+
linearGradient =
  element linearGradient {
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radialGradient =
  element radialGradient {
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         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
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     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
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\text =
  element text {
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    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
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     | svgTitle
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     | text
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g =
  element g {
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     | svgTitle
     | path
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     | line
     | ellipse
     | polyline
     | polygon
     | solidColor
     | textArea
     | linearGradient
     | radialGradient
     | \text
     | g
     | defs
     | use
     | a)*
defs =
  element defs {
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     | solidColor
     | textArea
     | linearGradient
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     | \text
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     | defs
     | use
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use =
  element use {
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    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle)*
a =
  element a {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
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      "_replace" | "_self" | "_parent" | "_top" | "_blank" | xsd:Name
     | svgTitle
     | path
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     | circle
     | line
     | ellipse
     | polyline
     | polygon
     | solidColor
     | textArea
     | linearGradient
     | radialGradient
     | \text
     | g
     | defs
     | use)*
stop =
  element stop {
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tspan =
  element tspan {
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    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
     | desc
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text
     | a_2)+
tspan_2 =
  element tspan {
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    attribute x { xsd:string }?,  # For SVG-1.2-RFC
    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text
     | a_2)+
a_2 =
  element a {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
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    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
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    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
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          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
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         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
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     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
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    attribute target {
      "_replace" | "_self" | "_parent" | "_top" | "_blank" | xsd:Name
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text)+
tbreak =
  element tbreak {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
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    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
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    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
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    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?

#---  End of SVG 1.2 RFC rnc RNC schema