#> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.0.3
A swimmer plot is a graphical tool used to display individual trajectories over time.
A swimmer plot is able to tell a full story using horizontal bars to represent each subject (or study unit), while lines, points, and arrows are utilized to display additional information.
The “swimmer” package has a variety of functions which add layers to a swimmer plot by implementing ggplot functions.
This vignette goes through examples to create swimmers plots, and demonstrates converting a dataframe to the required format.
, ClinicalTrial.AE
, and ClinicalTrial.Response
id | Arm | End_trt | Continued_treatment | Sex | Age |
1 | Arm A | 3.26 | NA | F | >=65 |
2 | Arm A | 2.00 | NA | F | <65 |
2 | Off Treatment | 10.00 | NA | F | <65 |
2 | Arm A | 15.45 | NA | F | <65 |
3 | Arm B | 5.00 | NA | F | >=65 |
3 | Arm A | 14.84 | NA | F | >=65 |
4 | Arm B | 3.51 | NA | F | <65 |
5 | Arm B | 6.00 | NA | F | >=65 |
5 | Arm A | 7.44 | NA | F | >=65 |
6 | Arm B | 3.70 | NA | F | <65 |
id | time | event | Related | Sex | Age |
33 | 2.20 | AE | Likely | M | >=65 |
14 | 1.00 | SAE | Possibly | F | <65 |
14 | 3.67 | Death | Not Likely | F | <65 |
3 | 14.58 | AE | Likely | F | >=65 |
29 | 5.44 | SAE | Possibly | M | >=65 |
21 | 0.50 | AE | Possibly | M | >=65 |
10 | 5.00 | SAE | Not Likely | F | <65 |
10 | 6.06 | SAE | Possibly | F | <65 |
2 | 2.00 | SAE | Not Likely | F | <65 |
3 | 14.84 | Death | Likely | F | >=65 |
id | Response_start | Response_end | Response | Continued_response | Sex | Age |
10 | 3.74 | 6.02 | CR | NA | F | <65 |
11 | 1.48 | 2.21 | PR | NA | F | >=65 |
12 | 0.20 | 0.67 | CR | NA | F | <65 |
13 | 2.07 | 2.59 | CR | NA | F | >=65 |
15 | 0.35 | 4.05 | PR | NA | M | >=65 |
16 | 4.49 | 7.30 | CR | NA | M | <65 |
17 | 1.09 | 1.44 | PR | NA | M | >=65 |
18 | 0.55 | 1.32 | CR | NA | M | <65 |
19 | 0.00 | 0.96 | PR | 1 | M | >=65 |
2 | 3.36 | 8.77 | PR | NA | F | <65 |
function creates the base of the swimmer plotgeom_bar()
arguments (eg. fill,width, alpha)swimmer_plot(df=ClinicalTrial.Arm,id='id',end='End_trt',fill='lightblue',width=.85)
The swimmer_plot()
function includes the option to have the bars change colours. Each section of the bars should be in a different row, where each row includes the time that section ends. By default the bars are plotted in increasing order, a column name can be used in the argument id_order to have the bars sorted first by a column, or string of IDs can be specified to have the bars in a specific order. Here the bars are ordered by the starting treatment, and follow up time.
arm_plot <- swimmer_plot(df=ClinicalTrial.Arm,id='id',end='End_trt',name_fill='Arm',
Plots can be stratified by any variables in the dataframe
swim_plot_stratify <-swimmer_plot(df=ClinicalTrial.Arm,id='id',end='End_trt',name_fill='Arm',
col="black",alpha=0.75,width=.8,base_size = 14,stratify= c('Age','Sex'))
argumentsAE_plot <- arm_plot + swimmer_points(df_points=
ClinicalTrial.AE,id='id',time='time',name_shape =
Multiple aesthetics can be mapped to different columns
arm_plot + swimmer_points(df_points=
ClinicalTrial.AE,id='id',time='time',name_shape =
'event',size=2.5,fill='white',name_col = 'Related')
argumentsResponse_plot <- arm_plot +
swimmer_lines(df_lines=ClinicalTrial.Response,id='id',start =
adds points to a plot at the start and end of each lineswimmer_lines()
argumentsResponse_plot_with_points <- Response_plot+
swimmer_points_from_lines(df_lines=ClinicalTrial.Response,id='id',start =
'Response_start',end = 'Response_end', cont =
argumentsThe example below uses arrows to demonstrate patients remaining on treatment after the end of follow up
cont = 'Continued_treatment',name_col='Arm',type =
Since none of the patients continue on “Off treatment” the arrow colours do not match the bars, this can be fixed by adding the layer scale_color_discrete(drop=FALSE)
, the option show.legend = FALSE can also be employed as the arrow legend is not necessary
AE_plot <- AE_plot+
cont = 'Continued_treatment',name_col='Arm',show.legend = FALSE,type =
"open",cex=1) + scale_color_discrete(drop=FALSE)
Another arrow example, here the arrows are also used to demonstrate a continued treatment
Response_plot_with_points <- Response_plot_with_points+
cont = 'Continued_response',name_col='Response',show.legend = FALSE,type =
AE_plot <- AE_plot +
scale_fill_manual(name="Treatment",values=c("Arm A" = "#e41a1c", "Arm B"="#377eb8","Off Treatment"='#4daf4a'))+
scale_color_manual(name="Treatment",values=c("Arm A"="#e41a1c", "Arm B" ="#377eb8","Off Treatment"='#4daf4a')) +
scale_shape_manual(name="Adverse event",values=c(AE=21,SAE=24,Death=17),breaks=c('AE','SAE','Death'))
Response_plot_with_points <- Response_plot_with_points +
scale_fill_manual(name="Treatment",values=c("Arm A" ="#e41a1c", "Arm B"="#377eb8","Off Treatment"='#4daf4a'))+
labels=c('Response start','Response end'))
Sometimes there will be points within the fill of the legend, this can be turned off with the layer guides()
Response_plot_with_points <- Response_plot_with_points+guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = NA)))
A work around to add arrows to the legend is using the symbol for an arrow within annotate()
Response_plot_with_points <- Response_plot_with_points+
annotate("text", x=3.5, y=20.45, label="Continued response",size=3.25)+
annotate("text",x=2.5, y=20.25, label=sprintf('\u2192'),size=8.25)+
coord_flip(clip = 'off', ylim = c(0, 17))
The swimmer plot is a bar plot that has been turned on its side, so to modify the x axis it is actually required to change the y axis. This is also the case for adding axis labels
Response_plot_with_points + scale_y_continuous(name = "Time since enrollment (months)",breaks = seq(0,18,by=3))