ppgm 1.1.0
- Parallel processing added to ppgm in order to reduce processing time
when analyzing large tree datasets
- Added fix to getBioclimVars to assign fossils correct
- Added vignette for new users
- Added labelling to plotAnimatedPPGM and plotAnimatedPPGMMultiPhylo
for each time slice
- Changed gif saving in AnimatedPPGM functions from animation::saveGIF
(which requires imageMagick) to gifski::save_gif (works with base
- Corrected details of getLineageClimate function
- Added evolutionary models to ppgm and ppgmConsensus (mtrend -
mean_trend from fitContinuous; rtrend - rate_trend from
- Added fix in addFossil if fossil age is exactly between two
paleoclimate ages - will select earlier age
- Made sure fossils plot in MESS maps
- Updated output of richnesscount in ppgm function to give all time
ppgm 1.0.3
- Fixed .Rd files for CRAN resubmission
ppgm 1.0.2
- Fixed plot.TraitGram not plotting
- Fixed MESS maps not including fossils
- Modified so that input fossil data can include min and max age
- Added layerAge argument to functions to add user to input
paleoclimate where layer does not equal age
- Adds fossils to tree based on min and max age within ppgm and
ppgmConsensus functions
- Fixed examples
- Added testing suite
ppgm 1.0.1
- Fixed issues for CRAN resubmission
ppgm 1.0.0