nichevol 0.1.20
Fourth release with all tools working and with the following
- Improved algorithms to prepare data for analysis.
- Replaced functions from the packages sp, raster, and rgdal, with
functions from terra.
- Deprecated the argument bin_size and replace it with n_bins to make
data processing more efficient when creating tables of binary niche
- Improved error and warning messages.
- Added the argument verbose to make message suppression easier in
functions that needed it.
- Improved documentation of most functions.
- Added functions to help mapping niche evolution detected based on
- Added function to help read prepared data written in a
- Added function to help set uncertainty manually in examples with
poorly known species.
nichevol 0.1.19
Third release with all tools working
nichevol 0.1.17
Second release after changes suggested by CRAN-member
- Messages are written using
- Examples are running while checking
- Examples write info in temporal directory
- Scientific references added to Description
Also, reconstruction smoothing has been improved.
nichevol 0.1.16
Initial release after checking