meteospain 0.1.4
- RIA API: Fixed bug in coordinates processing as they are not decimal, by @rubenfcasal (#20)
meteospain 0.1.3
- meteocat API: new data limits, now daily data can be retrieved starting on 1989
meteospain 0.1.2
- Added monthly and yearly temporal resolutions to AEMET service
- Removed dependencies:
- Removed dependency (and exports) from magrittr. Substituted all magrittr pipes (
) by native pipes (|>
- Removed dependency from crayon. Using cli now.
- New dependencies
- Added cli to manage communication with the user (messages, warnings and errors)
- Minor changes
- Improved tests
- AEMET API: return always the same variables (depending on resolution). If the variable doesn’t exists for the station and date, is created with NA.
variable added to returned AEMET current data
- RIA API: improved messages
- meteogalicia API: improved error managing
- meteogalicia API: improved path creation
- Code cleaning (removing old code, fixing typos, code style…)
meteospain 0.1.1
- Fixed bug in AEMET coordinates (#18)
- Minimal versions of
and purrr
added (both 1.0.0
- Lambda functions to the new r base syntax (
\(x) {}
meteospain 0.1.0
- Substitute
calls by "variable_name"
as recommended by tidyselect after deprecation of .data
- Fixed new meteogalicia API by @dataleteo (#13)
meteospain 0.0.4
- Minor improvements in vignettes
- Added units to solar_radiation in RIA service
- Added curl as a dependency. Now we can check for connection before querying the API.
- Added safe versions of httr::GET and xml2::read_xml. If the API is down or not reachable, the error is caught.
- Tests for aemet and meteocat use now env backend for keyring
- Fixed parsing of dates in meteoclimatic to make it independent of the system’s locale
- Fixed tidy error when retrieving MeteoCat data from 2008 to 2010 (#11)
- Limited dates in meteocat_options to dates available in the API (2008 or greater)
- Fixed lack of station_province in aemet stations info (#10)
meteospain 0.0.3
- Package now comply with CRAN policy “Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an informative message if the resource is not available or has changed”
- Fixed checks for debian-clang OS
- Memoization added for get_meteo_from and get_stations_info_from functions, to avoid excessive calls to APIs
meteospain 0.0.2
- Fixed bug (#9) in managing 429 errors in meteocat and aemet
- Added RIA (Red de Información Agroclimática de Andalucía) service
- Better error for when MeteoGalicia stations info does not return all the columns needed
meteospain 0.0.1
- Initial version of the package
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- Services added: AEMET, MeteoCat, MeteoGalicia, Meteoclimatic.
- Initial version of the package.