GeoMongo 1.0.3
- I’ve added a ‘packageStartupMessage’ informing the user in case of
the error ‘attempt to apply non-function’ that he/she has to use the
‘reticulate::py_config()’ before loading the package (in a new R
GeoMongo 1.0.2
- I’ve added the CITATION file in the inst
- I’ve removed Lazydata from the DESCRIPTION file
GeoMongo 1.0.1
I fixed a bug in the geoInsert method of the
geomongo class (replaced file.exists() with dir.exists() for a
folder of files). I added an ellipsis in mongodb_console()
function to allow for additional parameters for the system() (unix) and
shell() (windows) command line functions.
GeoMongo 1.0.0