Install ADAPTSdata4 using the code:
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = parallel::detectCores())
This prostate data set comes from Henry, Gervaise H., et al. “A cellular anatomy of the normal adult human prostate and prostatic urethra.” Cell reports 25.12 (2018): 3530-3542.
Around half of the cell types fall into the training set and the other half fall into the test set. scSample function helps collapse cell types with similar cell type IDs into n (groupsize) groups.
trainTestSet<-ADAPTS::splitSCdata(scHenry,numSets = 2,randomize = TRUE)
## Basal Epithelia : 18439; 9220, 9219
## Other : 7163; 3582, 3581
## Luminal Epithelia : 2238; 1119, 1119
## Fibroblast : 1168; 584, 584
## Hillock Epithelia : 1312; 656, 656
## Smooth Muscle : 945; 473, 472
## Endothelia : 1586; 793, 793
## Leukocyte : 459; 230, 229
## Club Epithelia : 2530; 1265, 1265
## Neuroenodcrine Epithelia : 25; 13, 12
trainSet.30sam <- ADAPTS::scSample(RNAcounts = trainSet, groupSize = 30, randomize = TRUE)
trainSet.3sam <- ADAPTS::scSample(RNAcounts = trainSet, groupSize = 3, randomize = TRUE)
ADAPTS provides the option of building a new seed matrix de novo based on the sample given, in addition to augmenting existing signature matrices, such as LM22. This is particularly helpful for single cell data sets, where the cell types present have come from their native tissue.
seedMat<-ADAPTS::buildSeed(trainSet=trainSet, trainSet.3sam = trainSet.3sam, trainSet.30sam = trainSet.30sam, genesInSeed = 100, groupSize = 30, randomize = TRUE, num.trees = 1000, plotIt = TRUE)
pseudobulk.test <- data.frame(test=rowSums(testSet))
actFrac.test <- 100 * pseudobulk.test.counts / sum(pseudobulk.test.counts)
estimates.test <-, pseudobulk.test))
seedAcc<-ADAPTS::calcAcc(estimates=estimates.test[,1], reference=estimates.test[,2])
This step tests if building signature matrix is really necessary by comparing the performance of signature matrices and all-gene matrix.
allGeneSig <- apply(trainSet.3sam, 1, function(x){tapply(x, colnames(trainSet.3sam), mean, na.rm=TRUE)})
estimates.allGene <-, pseudobulk.test))
allAcc<-ADAPTS::calcAcc(estimates=estimates.test[,1], reference=estimates.test[,3])
ADAPTS takes in the seed matrix, adds one additional gene from the full data at a time and records their condition number. The new augmented signature matrix is chosen based on the lowest condition number.
gList <- ADAPTS::gListFromRF(trainSet=trainSet.30sam)
augTrain <- ADAPTS::AugmentSigMatrix(origMatrix = seedMat, fullData = trainSet.3sam, gList = gList, nGenes = 1:100, newData = trainSet.3sam, plotToPDF = FALSE, pdfDir = '.')
estimates.augment <-, pseudobulk.test))
colnames(estimates.augment) <- 'aug'
estimates.test <- cbind(estimates.augment, estimates.test)
augAcc<-ADAPTS::calcAcc(estimates=estimates.test[,1], reference=estimates.test[,4])
This step iteratively removes the genes that would most improve the condition number by their absence. The condition number will usually decrease before increasing again when the number of genes becomes small, as shown in the plot below. Note that this plot should be read from right to left.
ADAPTS provides options to automatically select different points along the condition number curve corresponding to different numbers of genes. Typically, the best classifier has the largest number of genes where the condition number is at the bottom of the bowl shown in the plot. The fastStop option speeds up this process by halting execution when the algorithm has detected (perhaps incorrectly) that it has reached this point.
augTrain.shrink <- ADAPTS::shrinkSigMatrix(augTrain, numChunks=NULL, verbose=FALSE, plotIt=TRUE, sigGenesList=NULL, singleCore=FALSE, fastStop=FALSE)
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
## method from
## zoo